Wednesday, February 11, 2009

World Scale and the European Pharmaceutical Industry of Turkey regressed Place

Dr. Ali Rıza Üçer
Medical Institution, General Secretary

Health services have an important place in drug spending, especially the United States, European Union and Japan to see the trend in many countries is a rapid increase. International research organizations IMS (Information Medical Statistics), producer prices in 2001 made a total worldwide pharmaceutical sales were calculated as 442 billion euros. United States and the North American market Kanadadan the fastest growing market, and the total market 47sini% (209 billion euros) has formed. North America sales, Europe (23.7%) and Japan (12%) followed. Drug sales growth rate in 2001 was 10% in ABDde 17% in Europe. Heart-vascular system, central nervous system, digestive system and metabolism products formed the largest group of three drug sales. Nearly half of total sales of drugs in these three groups aittir.1

European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) * members in 17 countries in total drug spending in 2000 of 89, is 7 billion Euro. Turkey in 2000 prices and the manufacturer of the total drug expenditure is EUR 2.95 billion. Turkey of the same year, producer prices in total drug spending EFPIA members of 17 European countries, 3.3% ü; 393 billion Euro in 2000 as producer prices of total world consumption of medicines in the bin 7.5 udur.2 Although the world pharmaceutical drug consumption consumption of a small part of the last ten years, nearly 4 times increase'll also show, that very rapid growth in our market because of the tendency of international attention to transnational drug monopoly. After all, Turkey's pharmaceutical market growth trends in the U.S. pharmaceutical market 1960lı and 70li shows similarities with the nation for transnational companies will promise a bright future.

U.S. R & D investment and new medicines developed in Europe is left behind.

1997 according to IMS Health data, and then developed in the pharmaceutical market, sales of new U.S. markets in 62si% of sales, while the European market has made 21ini%.

Compared with the United States of the European pharmaceutical industry competitiveness, while a relatively low research and development (R & D) activities related to the intensity of kaymaktadır.3 North America or Europe in the last 10 years, R & D activities in gradual decline as the new leading technology-related research especially outside of Europe was directed ABDye.

* European Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations Federation (EFPIA) Member States: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Turkey and Greece are.

Pharmaceutical R & D process and until the European 1990lara newly developed drugs, was the world leader. However, this lead to gradual decline and the first time in 1997 the U.S. pharmaceutical industry, European rivals by capturing the total R & D spending was ahead. R & D investments between 1990 and 2001 increased by 5 times in Europe ABDde increased only 2.4 times gösterdi.4

Ten years ago, research-based companies will spend more than the most were the pharmaceutical companies in Europe. In 1990 pharmaceutical companies in the world based on total research expenditures of the company belonging to Europe was 73ü%, 59A% 1999da this ratio declined. Much of this transfer was developed in the direction of the United States. 8 billion Euro in 1990 in Europe as drug R & D spending in 2001 rose to EUR 18.8 billion. USA, in 1990, pharmaceutical R & D spending by 5.3 billion euros this year, spending in Europe back in 2001 has increased to EUR 26.4 billion and Europe was left open to difference. The pharmaceutical R & D spending in Japan 1990da 2.8 billion Euro in 2000 was increased by 2.6 times to 7.5 billion Euro in 2000, most yükseldi.5 R & D spending from the 40 companies 15i Europe, 13ü USA, 12si of the Japanese pharmaceutical industry R & D spending kökenlidir.6 Turkish is unfortunately not a few.

The newly developed chemical and biological products in the period 1987-1991 the European 101i, 54ü the U.S., Japan, 65i, 8i, when belonging to other countries in the period 1997-2001 the European 79u, 84ü the U.S., Japan, 29u, 4ü belong to other countries. World markets in the year 2001 version of the 36 new chemical and biological products 13ü Europe, 16sı U.S., Japan, 5i, 2si other developed countries, and introduced a new version kaynaklıdır.7 summarize, the chemical products in the U.S., Europe and Japan t in recent years has left behind. These countries are located outside the city with other countries behind the difference is clear.

Polish European Union Countries in the Pharmaceutical Trade Balance Improves decline, while Turkey is

European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) between the years 1990-2000 in the member countries on a year of pharmaceutical exports increased by approximately 4 times from 89 billion Euro was EUR 23 billion. These exports in 2000 total production level of about 70idir%. Export / production rate is so high in the European pharmaceutical industry in international markets is an indication of the continued competitive strength.

EU countries, this increase in exports in trade with countries outside Europe the tendency was observed. Exports to these countries, total exports of 9.4 billion Euro in 1990 and is 40ıdır% in 2000 to increase approximately 4 times increased to EUR 35.6 billion. In 2000, the main commercial partner of the EU countries export volume with 10.3 billion euros (approximately% of exports outside the EU 30u) ABDdir.

In 2000, the EFPIA member countries' total imports is 63.7 billion Euro. This country imports are non-EFPIA 22si%.

Drug Trade Balance

Europe is a net exporter of a drug product. Drug trade in 1990 of European countries over 7 billion euros, while in 2000 increased by approximately 3.5 times reached EUR 25.2 billion.

In many European countries, the pharmaceutical industry, industrial sector, the highest in the export sector has entered the top five exporters. EU trade balance in Europe in the pharmaceutical industry more than other high-tech sector contributes. Pharmaceutical sector in 2000, the high-tech trade balance improved in one of several sectors olmuştur.8

Turkey upset the balance of

Turkey's exports in 2000, medicine is only 151 million Euro. This level of exports in total exports of 17 countries members of EFPIA millesimal 1.6sı, Switzerland and Germany's exports% 1i, the UK's 1.25idir%. Greece's exports to Turkey the same year 256 million Euro in the pharmaceutical drug exports in% 59u rate.

Turkey's imports in 2000, the pharmaceutical is Euro 1629 billion. This level of imports in total imports of 17 countries members of EFPIA millesimal 25i, 24ü% of Switzerland's imports, the UK's 20si%, Germany's 16sıdır%. Same year of drug imports to Turkey Greece Euro 1.2 billion of the drug imports 1.4 times.

In 2000, the pharmaceutical trade balance of Turkey in 1478 was described billion. That same year, pharmaceutical exports, and imports to meet rate% 9dur only. However, in 1990, drug exports that our $ 90 million, and imports of $ 470 million, the pharmaceutical trade balance to open $ 380 million, exports and imports to meet the rate is 19.1%. 9

Turkey's European Union trade with the drug trade balance is more corruption.

In 2000 members of EFPIA EFPIA European countries out of 17 countries in total exports of 36 billion euros, 14 billion is the total imports. This non-European countries EFPIA 22 billion surplus in trade balance with the drug is given. Switzerland, Germany, Britain and France's EFPIA countries with non-drug trade balance surplus of 15 billion euros, and these four countries are members of EFPIA EFPIA of the 17 countries with countries outside the drug trade balance surplus in 70ini% is about.

In 2000 Turkey's exports of medicines to countries outside the EFPIA is 92 million Euro and 151 million euros this year with the same level of exports in total exports of pharmaceutical 61idir%. Of Turkey in 2000 EFPIA drug imports from countries outside the Euro 536 million and non-EFPIA pharmaceutical trade balance with countries of 444 million euros on vermiştir.10 EFPIA our country with countries outside the drug trade, exports and imports to meet the rate 17'ir%.

In 2000, the EFPIA member of Turkey to European countries for the drug trade are the following. Total pharmaceutical exports 59 million euros, 1.1 billion euros of drug imports, drug trade deficit of about 1 billion euros and imports to meet export ratio% 5dir only.

Most of the country's drug exports to Turkey to Russia, Iraq, Azerbaijan, and Nigeria is. World Trade Organization, the Foundation Agreement, the addition of one of the services sector liberasyon on Trade Services General Agreement (GATS) under the TRIPs Agreement and the EU Customs Union in the framework of free movement of goods promoting the direction of developments in the exports to return to the restrictions to relax import drugs for the prices of the current set is the next transnational companies marketing company in Turkey to the nation during an increasing number of pharmaceutical products was an increase in imports, the share of imported drugs 1990da% of the total market in 2001 698 million $ a 6sı iken11 exit olmuştur 28i% of the total market. $ 293 million in 1988 in Turkey as 12 raw materials and finished pharmaceutical imports in 2001 was 5 times the $ 1.5 billion, our total import prices and the manufacturer's total drug consumption has reached 61ine%. U.S. pharmaceutical industry in the process of the EU Customs Union and the decline in raw material production is striking. Our production in 1995 was 12,600 tons of raw materials in 2001 to 65% at a rate of decline fell by 4382 tonnes. Turkish pharmaceutical industry employment profile to confirm the growing dependence on outside. In 2000, the U.S. pharmaceutical industry employed 19,307 people 8805 (46%) marketing, 4444ü (23%) worked in management, while only 6058 (31%) employed in production and raw material section çalışmaktadır.13 determine the industry's future potential is very high R - GE is the number of employees, not a few. However, the European countries that EFPIA members in 2000 that 560,600 people working in the pharmaceutical industry's 88th 200ü (15.7%) R & D departments of employment in the near future, this data edilmiştir.14 all nations of our national drug market dominated by transnational companies will enter into the indicator.

Global pliers and Exit Path

More of our national economy, such as GATS dependent global pliers to bring the situation, the health of the pharmaceutical industry in the area of patents, know-how and other intellectual trademark rights in the process of destroying life of independent national policy should be spent. Solutions and strategies for long-term creation of a national drug policy is mandatory. These policies and strategies of national interest to observe, we shall promote drug production, technological investment and research to support development activities, as well as an effective price control mechanism should provide the creation, our national pharmaceutical market of foreign monopolies should save command. The source of the community taking medication for a rational development in the right direction effective and efficient use for should be the basic goal.

1 comment:

  1. 悉怛多缽怛囉阿門

    不淨觀(黃 DSC-T9 誠實(國自 和-T9 前 是密碼))

    搜尋標題及內容: 不淨觀
    < h3 >*修身觀─不淨觀< /h3 >
    < h3 >*三種身至念< /h3 >






















    盡,真心並日懸。欲超生死路,此觀要精研。 [img]bighug[/img]

    February 8, 2008
    < h3 >*修身觀─不淨觀< /h3 > 言自體不淨者即三十六物。一髮二毛三爪四齒五皮六肉七骨八髓九筋十脈十一脾十二腎十三心十四肝十五肺十六大腸十七小腸十八胃十九胞二十屎二十一尿二十二垢二十三汗二十四淚二十五浩二十六涕二十七唾二十八膿二十九血三十黃三十一白三十二肪三十三三十四腦三十五膜三十六精也。或論本九穴不淨名共相不淨。三十六物名自相不淨云云。又云何第五。終竟不淨者。謂是死後之九想之不淨是也云云。又云何云觀他不淨觀自不淨。答觀他身九相云觀他身不淨。問其他身九相者何。答他身九相者。一死相。二脹相。三瘀青相。四膿爛相。五壞相。六血塗相。七虫噉相。八骨鎖相。九離壞相也。









    優波尼沙陀此云塵性,以觀塵性空而得道故。譯曰近少,微細,因等微細分析至極之言也義譯為微細,極至鄰虛(新譯曰極微。色法之最極少分,鄰似虛空者,此為色法之根本 謂諸識色及定中色,無障無礙,似於虛空,而實非虛空,故名鄰虛也),立即從座位上站起來,頂禮(五體投地以吾頂禮尊者之足也)釋迦摩尼佛的腳後,向釋迦摩尼佛報告說道:觀見如來最初成道的時候。作意思惟觀想,一者觀自身之不淨,二者觀他身之不淨。觀自身不淨,有九相:一死想,二脹想,三青瘀想,四膿爛想,五壞想,六血塗想,七蟲噉想,八骨鎖想,九分散想。觀他身有五不淨:一種子不淨,是身以過去之結業為種,現以父母之精血為種。二住處不淨,在母胎不淨之處。三自相不淨,是身具有九孔,常流出唾涕大小便等不淨。四自體不淨,由三十六種之不淨物所合成。五終竟不淨,此身死竟,埋則成土,蟲噉成糞,火燒則為灰,究竟推求,無一淨相,而生起大厭離心(謂我等當觀生死之中,虛假不實,如水上泡,速起速滅,往來流轉,猶如車輪。此身眾苦所集,一切皆是不淨,甚可厭離。當以此心而行懺悔也。)。了悟一切色性。以從不淨觀白骨觀作意思惟觀想,乃至逐步微細分析微塵極至鄰虛塵,分析到最後則歸於虛空。當達到空色二者均歸於空無之境界,便成就斷三界諸惑已盡,證真諦之理,不更要學修之圓滿智慧,阿羅漢之無漏智。如來印證我名叫尼沙陀(此云塵性,以觀塵性空而得道故。譯曰近少,微細,因等微細分析至極之言也義譯為微細,極至鄰虛(新譯曰極微。色法之最極少分,鄰似虛空者,此為色法之根本 謂諸識色及定中色,無障無礙,似於虛空,而實非虛空,故名鄰虛也))。一切微塵及青黃赤白等顯色及男女形色等之染污情識既然滅盡,微妙不可思議色相周密圓融無礙遍一切處。我從作意思惟觀想分析一切色塵中,證得阿羅漢果位。佛問我們,我們最初發心證悟十八界,是以什麼圓融周遍一切處,通達無礙,為修學之所緣? 如以我所證到的而言,我認為以色塵為最上圓通。


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