Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The pharmaceutical industry discuss the future of Southeastern Europe was

Southeast European pharmaceutical industry representatives and authorities, with the EGA and İEİS'in organization meets in Istanbul

Pharmaceutical Industry Employers Union (İEİS) and a member of the European Equivalent Drug Association (EGA) by the Ministry of Health General Directorate of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacy in cooperation with the "National Drug Agency and the pharmaceutical industry equivalent of the European Integration Process" titled "4th EGA South East Europe Pharmaceutical Symposium "was held in Istanbul.

South East Europe Pharmaceutical Symposium and EGA'nın countries to support the EU integration process in the framework of tradition,
candidate and new member countries, EU legislation in the face of the integration phase may be prepared for obstacles and to ensure drug authorities of the countries of Southeastern Europe and company representatives together to increase cooperation in the region are able to.

This is the fourth year after the symposium at the press conference of the Pharmaceutical Industry Employers Union (İEİS) Secretary General Turgut Tokgöz following was passed:

"Turkey, EU accession is in the way of progress. In terms of compliance with EU legislation in the pharmaceutical field, under the leadership of the Ministry of Health, was an important step. The industry development and regulation of EGA's work in compliance with EU legislation, unions are supporting our largest. The EU harmonization process, the Turkish pharmaceutical industry in this process to be very positive in terms equivalent to the development of the pharmaceutical industry that can create negative effects in terms that are aware of. In this regard, the experience of countries and was a member before the results of this experience has shown us the way. "

Tokgöz words added to the following: "Turkey and the strong development in the pharmaceutical industry has a clear equivalent. To improve competitiveness in the pharmaceutical equivalent of the equivalent of both national and EU authorities about the drugs, and encouraging positive expectations are to make arrangements ".

EGA Greg Perry Director of the "EGA, always the potential of Southeast European countries to EU integration was believed to be high. Synergy with other organizations such as the trigger of this symposium, these countries contribute to the future of the European pharmaceutical industry is seen to be large. Drugs around the world as the equivalent, in the Turkish health system is a fundamental role. Therefore, the equivalent of the pharmaceutical industry to accelerate development by removing obstacles in front has to support, "he said.

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